Word Play - Operators, Conditional Control Statements & Loops
Write a JavaScript program to build a word play. The function wordPlay must take a number greater than 0 & lesser than 51 as its argument and return the output in the following format.
When the argument is :
1. greater than 50, the function must return : Range is High
2. lesser than 1, the function must return : Not Valid
3. within the specified range : the function must iterate through all the numbers within the range, append each of them to a string with a white-space & return the same.
4. However, when a number divisible by both 5 & 3 is encountered, "Jump" is appended to the string; when a number divisible only by 3 is encountered, "Tap" is appended to the string; when a number divisible only by 5 is encountered, "Clap" is appended to the string (refer to the console outputs)
Note: You may verify the correctness of your function by invoking it from within console.log
Console Output 1:
Console Output 2:
Console Output 3: